“ REAL will help you decrease real estate expenses by 20% annually.

“ The REAL game-changer with REAL is its ability to turn portfolio queries into natural language answers and request complex reports with instant, accurate responses, making it feel like I have a virtual assistant at my fingertips. ״

Ken Ziff
DCA Vice President – Real Estate Operations

Thrive in
the age of AI

Virtual Analyst

Turn real estate data into decisions with natural language questions using REAL.

Get clear answers

Lease Administration

Navigate even the most complex leases and contracts all in one place.

Reclaim your schedule

Portfolio Optimization

Bring your properties, revenue streams, occupancy, and operational costs into focus.

Centralize your portfolio

Operational efficiency

Amplify your negotiation power by streamlining your expenses, reimbursements, and more. 

elevate your efficiency

Solutions for every decision-maker

From healthcare giants to emerging tech ventures, boutique fashion brands to educational institutions, we’re equipped to support a diverse array of business needs. REAL is committed to providing specialized assistance that aligns with the unique demands of your industry.